Maybe you took out your first online payday loan when you were short on cash and rent was due. Or maybe you applied for payday loan help to cover an unexpected financial emergency, like replacing the engine in your car. Whatever the reason, what seemed like a quick-fix, fast-cash solution spiraled into a long-term, overwhelming debt trap … which is why you’re reading this.
Payday loans didn’t provide the short-term financial support and security that you expected. They left you with much more than just debt. Payday loans result in aggressive lenders debiting your bank account unexpectedly, payday loan scams, and unmanageable monthly payments. Online payday lenders weren’t what you expected, either. So, you may feel hesitant to turn to another company for online payday loan help.
We get it.
But getting out of payday loan debt is scary. And with unmanageable monthly payments and growing fees and interest, it can feel next to impossible to do alone. So, working with an online payday loan relief company means help is on the way.
But let’s answer the question you’re really wondering. Why should you use an online payday loan consolidation company? Or better yet, why should you trust one?
We’re an online payday loan debt consolidation company and we work with you to consolidate your loans, get payday lenders out of your bank account, and get rid of your payday loan debt. We’ve seen just how life-changing our program can be for those who are stuck in the cycle of payday loans. So, we’re sharing 5 reasons why you should consider using a company that provides online payday loan relief.
They can get payday lenders out of your bank account.
A company that specializes in payday loan relief can get aggressive payday lenders out of your bank account. The first step to getting rid of your payday loans is taking back control of your finances (and your bank account). When working with a quality online payday loan consolidation company, one of their first steps should be revoking your payday lenders’ authorization to debit from your bank account.
Many payday loan borrowers lose control of their finances due to unexpected debits from their bank account. Getting payday lenders out of your bank account makes getting rid of your payday loans, and taking back control of your finances, not only easier, but possible.
They can combine your multiple monthly payments into one, easy-to-pay monthly payment.
With multiple monthly payments and varying interest rates, paying off payday loans is not only expensive, but very difficult. The average payday loan borrower takes out 8 loans per year, with 80% of payday loans being either rolled over or renewed. One payday loan turns into many and you find yourself stuck with multiple monthly payments that you can’t afford.
Online payday loan relief can make getting out of payday loan debt easier through payday loan consolidation. With payday loan consolidation, your various loans will be combined into one, easy-to-pay monthly payment. When working with a payday loan consolidation company, they can often help reduce your overall interest rate, as well. This is a huge benefit to seeking out payday loan help when trying to escape the cycle of debt.
Loan consolidation makes escaping the payday loan trap not only possible, but completely manageable.
They can end the non-stop phone calls from lenders.
If you’re currently dealing with payday loan debt, you know just how stressful dealing with your lenders can be. A quality company that provides online payday loan relief can end the non-stop phone calls and harassment from payday lenders. The stress of dealing with aggressive lenders only adds to the financial stress of overwhelming payday loan debt. Having the peace of mind of knowing that you will no longer receive dozens of phone calls and messages from your lenders makes getting out of payday loan debt less stressful.
When payday loan borrowers first enroll in our program, the first step we take is to take the burden of dealing with payday lenders off of their shoulders. We require that all payday lenders communicate with our clients directly through us. We shoulder the burden of communicating with your lenders, so you can focus on what matters most.
They’re the experts.
An online payday loan consolidation company has years of experience working with both payday lenders and payday loan borrowers. When choosing a company to work with, it’s important that you find one with a proven record, years of experience, and an in-depth knowledge of the payday loan industry. These companies are experts at what they do, and they’re able to educate and guide you through the process.
They know the payday lending industry inside and out. They know how to work with payday lenders in ways that most benefits the borrower. And they also know how to work with payday loan borrowers in ways that makes getting out of payday loan debt as easy as possible. Their experience and knowledge gives them the ability to help you get rid of your payday loan debt, while taking back control of your finances.
Many payday loan borrowers feel stuck because they don’t know how to get out of the cycle and where to begin. A payday loan debt relief team has the expertise to get you started and walk you through the entire process.
It’s easier with a team!
Getting out of payday loan debt is not easy. It takes a team of people supporting, encouraging, and guiding you through the process. It is possible to escape the cycle of debt alone. However, with 4 out of 5 payday loans being rolled over or renewed and a majority of first-time payday loan borrowers ending up in a cycle of debt, it’s extremely difficult to do alone. It’s easier with a team, especially a team of experts who can educate, guide, and lead you through the entire process, while helping to manage your loans and aggressive lenders.
Why try to do it alone when you can do it with a team of experts to help?
Stuck in a cycle of payday loan debt, but still unsure about online payday loan help? Give us a call and meet our team. Ask questions. We’re happy to answer them, and we’re here to help. We want to make sure you feel comfortable before moving forward with any decision. So, call us today to find out more.
If you’re ready to take the next step and find online payday loan help that works for you, check out our blog post, “How to Choose the Right Payday Loan Consolidation Company For You”.