There are different situations that can lead to a payday lender harassing you. One of these situations is that you’ve taken a payday loan and you haven’t paid it off. Now, your lender is harassing you with various phone calls. Because it can be annoying, you’ll try to know how to stop payday lenders from making those calls and prevent them from further pestering you.
On the other hand, you haven’t applied for a payday loan but a scam artist is claiming that he/she is from a payday loan company and he/she is now forcing you to pay it off.
Illegal Communication
Under the US law, your payday lender can’t repeatedly call or harass you. The lending company can’t threaten to increase your debt that’s beyond the interest that you agreed. It can’t also threaten to put you in jail or call you before business hours. If you ask the company not to call you at work, the company should respect that.
Cease Communication Letter
If your lenders won’t stop calling you, you could send them a letter to make them stop calling you. The letter could be simple but it has to indicate that you wish to stop your payday lenders from calling you at home or in the office. Then, tell them that you wish to be contacted through a letter.
Now, after sending the letter and your payday lenders ignore it, you should report it to the Federal Trade Commission and call a local state attorney general. If you need help in creating a cease communication letter, you could go to the official website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and look for sample letters that you could use to write your own letter, or click here to fill out and print our letter template online.
Don’t Be Afraid
Your payday lenders or their collectors aren’t allowed by the US law to threaten you. Now, if you want to stop payday lenders who threaten you of a lawsuit, you should ask for a case number. Don’t forget the name of the court where the suit has been filed.
If your lenders claimed that they’re working with law enforcement, ask for the enforcer’s name and the agency. Then, tell the caller that you’re going to contact the police department to verify the law enforcer’s identity.
When you receive a harassing phone call from your payday lenders, you should stay calm. You shouldn’t get too upset about it. Don’t show to them that you’re afraid of your lenders. If they could sense that you fear them, they’d continue to call you.