There are hundreds of payday loan consolidation companies out there to choose from. And they all seem to be offering the same thing in a different package. So, how do you know which one you can trust to help you get out of debt? Trusting someone with your money is no small decision, and it’s important that you know what to look for up front to make sure you’re making the best decision for you. Payday loan consolidation reviews of various companies and programs are a great place to start. Before deciding to work with a company, you should know what others who have worked with this company have to say. After all, word-of-mouth is the best way to get honest feedback about a company or a product.
Not all reviews are created equal, though. You should know what to look for and where to look to find the most reputable reviews and the information you need to validate a potential payday loan consolidation company.
How to Find The Best Payday Loan Consolidation Companies
First things first, before you spend time reading reviews, you want to make sure the company you’re considering is reputable.
So, there are several things you should check. First, spend some time on their website and social media accounts. Do they have active social media accounts? Are they actively responding to comments? If you’re on social media, reach out and ask a question. See how quickly they are to respond and how helpful they are.
You should also spend some time on their website. Are they sharing free resources and helpful content? A blog is a great way for a company to share free content. If they’re actively posting to their blog and providing valuable resources on their website, this is a great sign that they’re invested in providing great customer service and in truly helping people.
Speaking of customer service, give the company a call. Ask questions. Get to know their team. A reputable company will be kind and patient, not pushy or aggressive.
Once you’ve verified the reputable companies you’re considering, you’ll want to find out what other people who’ve worked with them have to say. Like with any product or service, the best feedback is from the people who’ve actually used the product or service. No marketing. No gimmicks. Just 100% honesty from the people who know best.
How to Find Payday Loan Consolidation Reviews
To find reviews, start by checking out the company’s website. Have they shared reviews or testimonials? Do they have a forum where people can share feedback about their experiences? The company’s website is only a starting place, though.
Where should you look to find the best payday loan consolidation reviews online?
Starting with the company’s website is a good first step. It won’t provide you with everything you need to know, though. You’ll also want to do a web search to find out what other reviews are out there. You can easily search on sites like Yelp and Google reviews. Not all payday loan consolidation companies have reviews on those two sites, though. So, you can also do a basic web search for “company name + review(s)”.
Online Forums
Online forums can also be a great place to get feedback from others and to also talk with people who are going through similar payday loan struggles. If you’re not already using forums, there’s an easy way to find them. Enter any search term into google (i.e., payday loan help, payday loan consolidation, etc.) and “+ forum”. For example, a search of “payday loan consolidation companies + forum” will bring up forums discussing payday loan consolidation companies. You can find forums on almost any topic using this formula. You can also become active in those forums and ask for feedback from others who’ve used a payday loan consolidation service to find out their recommendations and thoughts. You can also search for the company on to see if there are any reviews listed there.
The Better Business Bureau
No matter what company you’re considering, make sure to search for them on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website. The BBB is a non-profit organization that’s dedicated to fostering honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers. They assign a rating to each company and also share public reviews they’ve received of companies. Their ratings represent the BBB’s opinion of how the business is likely to interact with its customers. The rating is based on information that the BBB is able to obtain about the business, including complaints received from the public. So, this is always a great place to check up on a company.
The last thing to keep in mind is that not all reviews are created equal. So, after doing your research on the company, giving them a call to get to know their team and their process, and getting all of the feedback and reviews you can, it’s up to you to make the choice that’s best for you. Keep in mind that great companies can have bad reviews and bad companies can have great reviews.
So, do your research. Make sure you feel comfortable with your decision. And in the end, go with the company that you feel most comfortable with. Once you’ve found a great company, make sure to leave your own review. There’s a ton of people trying to find the best payday loan consolidation service, and your feedback may be able to help someone else.