As much as getting the fast cash that a payday loan can provide for you can be great, it can also turn out to be one of the biggest headaches you ever get involved. At face value a payday loan may seem like a great idea to help you out of a jam, but this is only if you read the fine print and are sure you can pay the entire loan back by your next paycheck. Payday lenders gain access to your checking account as part of the process so that they can take their money on the payment date. This means whether the full amount is there or not they are going to access your accounts and keep doing so even if you cannot pay the amount you owe. This situation sets you up for disasters and you need to work to get payday lenders out of checking account access so you can gain control again.
What the Access Does to You 
Once payday lenders gain access to your accounts it can be almost impossible to stop them. They will access your account on the day your money is due and if the full amount is not available for withdrawal they will hit you with massive fees, penalties and interest. All of this often adds up to more than what your original loan was for. It also sets up a situation where you are overdrawn at your bank, incurring fees from the bank and causing you problems with any other payments you may be trying to make.
Getting Them Out of Your Account
The only way you can really get them out of your accounts with the help of a payday loan settlement service. The right firm will have experience working with payday lenders and banks and can help to guide you through the process of stopping their unwanted access to your bank accounts. The firm can then help set up a payment plan for you so that you can pay back your debt without piling up fees and penalties that you cannot afford.
Once you are able to work with the right settlement service and get the help you really need, you can stop the lenders from causing anxiety and stress for you and have them out of your bank accounts once and for all. This will let you get everything back on course again.