Real PDL Help does not offer Payday Loans. We settle debt.
We contact your lenders upon receipt of an executed agreement and begin negotiations immediately. Our typical program lasts between 6 to 24 months, depending on your needs and how quickly you would like to resolve the debt. The negative consequences in not making timely payments to creditors include: negative impact on your credit score and report, creditors may sue, and continued collection efforts that may result in additional fees, interest and an increase in the total amount you owe.
We DO NOT charge service fees until AFTER we (a) reduce, settle or change the terms of each debt, (b) have a written agreement in place, and (c) ensure that the creditor(s) have received at least one payment. We are not a law firm, and we do not provide legal advice. Please consult with an attorney if you are seeking legal advice or you have questions about collection efforts against you. Real PDL Help does not offer services in every state. Advance fees are not charged prior to re-negotiating customers debt. Results may vary.