Check & Compare : Which type of debt consolidation can you afford? Enter your current debt Add credit card debts Add Installment loans Your total debt $ Monthly Payment $ Suggest Debt Consolidation Type Interest Rate Arbitration Debt Management Debt Settlement Bankruptcy Less Payment Recommended Monthly payments $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Months to become debt free 11 Months Not applicable 5 Months Not applicable Money saved $208 $0 $5000 Not applicable Total payment made to become debt free $11000 $0 $5000 $1500 Also known as loan consolidation. Only interest is reduced. Interest and principal are reduced. Interest and principal are reduced under court supervision. Better Credit Score × Credit Card Debts Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Other × Installment Loans Auto 1 Auto 2 Boat Personal Other