A low income doesn’t mean that you can’t afford to get out of debt. You can! It just takes a little extra work to find the extra cash that’s lying around your house and in your monthly budget.
You’re already taking the first step by reading this. So, keep going. Read the our 5 tips below and start by implementing just one this week!
1. Get rid of cable!
There’s so many streaming options available now that cable is, honestly, a waste of money, especially if you’re trying to cut back and pay off debt. So, get rid of your expensive monthly bill and opt for a much cheaper option like one of these. Then take that extra cash each month and dump it on your debt. An extra $50 every month adds up to an extra $600 a year!
2. Cut your grocery bill in half!
The average American household throws out $640 in food every year. That’s over $600 that could be put towards paying off debt. By cutting your grocery bill down to the bare minimum, you get rid of the extra food that would typically end in up the trash can. We tend to buy more than we need at the grocery store, anyways; splurging on extra sweets and treats that aren’t a necessity. Want tips for cutting your grocery bill in half? Check out these top 5 tips.
3. Sell things!
Your house is full of extra cash … in the closets, in your attic, in the garage. It’s amazing how much extra stuff you’ll find by taking a few hours to deÂclutter. We tend to hold onto things that we haven’t used in years (just in case!), clothes that we’ll never wear again, and boxes full of junk (just because). There could be hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars right in your home. So, check out this list we created, 19 things you can sell to get out of payday loan debt, for some helpful reminders of what to look for, as you’re going through your house.
4. Find a partÂtime job!
A partÂtime job is a great way to supplement a low income. There are opportunities all around you. Working in fastÂfood or an hourly job in retail are not your only options. Some great ways to make extra cash are dogÂsitting, dogÂwalking, babysitting, mowing lawns, painting, washing cars, etc. Here’s more great ideas!
5. Make a budget!
A budget doesn’t restrict your spending. It gives you freedom to know exactly how much you’re spending, and therefore know how much extra cash you have left to put towards your debt. A budget helps you plan and stay on track. It should be your first step on your journey to get out of debt. Not sure how to create a budget? Check out our guide on how to create and use a monthly budget.
Implement just one of these tips this week and watch as you slowly start to make progress. Once you’re comfortable, give another tip a try. Keep implementing each of these 5 tips into your life and finances until you’re watching your debt slowly disappear!
If you’re struggling with paying off payday loan debt, we can help! We work with hundreds of people every day to help them get rid of their payday loans. Fill out an application today to find out how we can help you.