When you’re ready to make a change, you can make huge progress in a short period of time. If you’re finally fed up with the debt cycle of payday loans and watching as your debt total continues to rise daily, you can start making changes today to get rid of your payday loan debt.
When we work with clients in our debt consolidation program, one of the first things we do is create a payment plan based on their specific income. We work with them to figure out how much they can pay each month in order to be payday loan debt free within a specific period of time (typically 6, 12, or 18 months). If you’re really serious about getting rid of your payday loans fast, though, there are definitely things you can do to help expedite the process of paying off your debt.
One of the easiest things you can do to pay down your payday loan debt faster is to find extra income/cash. You’d be surprised at how much extra cash is just laying around your house! So many people have closets, drawers, garages, and rooms full of things they don’t use anymore and don’t need. So, grab a box or some bags and start decluttering. Look for the things you don’t use anymore or the items you don’t need. Get rid of things you haven’t used in months.
Use our list of 19 things you can sell to get out of payday loan debt to help!
1. Clothes
Your closets and drawers are full of clothes you haven’t worn in years. What about the outfit you bought that you only wore once for that special occasion? Go through every closet, drawer, and space in your house with clothes. Don’t forget the boxes and bins of winter clothes you may be storing in the attic. Make a pile of everything you don’t need anymore and get rid of it. You can sell clothes on ebay or find a local consignment shop that will give you cash for your clothes.
2. Shoes
Shoes, too! Maybe the kids have outgrown some that are still in good shape. Maybe you bought a pair of shoes that were insanely uncomfortable and you’ll never wear them again. Pile them all in a box and either take them to your local consignment store, as well, or post them on eBay.
3. CDs or Records
Chances are, you don’t even listen to them anymore. You’ve got all of your music on your phone or your iPod. You don’t need to hang onto dozens of CDs or records. Keep a few that mean a lot to you, and sell the rest! You can post them as sets or individually on ebay or find a local consignment shop or record store that is willing to buy them from you.
4. DVDs
You spent $20 on the DVD, watched it once, and have never watched it again. There’s no use in keeping a giant DVD collection of movies you never watch. So, wipe off the dust and get rid of them!
5. Old Electronics
We all have old electronics sitting around. It can be hard to part with them. Old cell phones, TVs, microwaves, iPods. If you haven’t used it in the past six months, chances are you won’t use it ever again. There’s a lot of value in some of these items. So, post them on Craigslist or ebay and get some extra cash out of them.
6. Furniture
Don’t go and sell your only couch or your bed. We’re talking about the old furniture that you stored in your attic or garage. That old chair you haven’t used in years. Or the bedframe you’re saving for “one day”. All of this extra, unused furniture is just taking up valuable space, when there’s a lot more value to be had in selling it!
7. Kids’ Clothes
Children’s consignment stores are on the rise. While plenty of their clothes get worn and torn and stained from lots of use, there’s lots of outfits they never wore or that they only wore once or twice before they outgrew them. Find a local children’s consignment shop and make some extra cash.
8. Kitchen Appliances
You don’t have to sell your fridge, but what about the waffle maker that you use once a year? Or the extra crockpot you have sitting in the pantry? We all have those kitchen appliances that may have seemed like a good idea at the time (a speciality cupcake or cake pop maker!), but are really just taking up extra space in our cabinets. You use them once, maybe twice, a year. Sell them.
9. Items in the Attic
When you’re going through your closets and drawers, don’t forget about the attic! Attics are hidden mines of extra cash! We store old stuff, unused stuff, stuff we don’t need anymore, and stuff we don’t like up there, and we forget about it. Go through every inch of your attic and get rid of everything you don’t need and won’t use again. A yard sale is a great way to get rid of the bulk of these things. Then, take whatever you don’t sell to a local consignment shop or post it on craigslist or ebay.
10. Kids’ Old Toys
You probably have bins full of them. Dolls, cars, legos, and more. Toys they’ve outgrown and toys they don’t play with anymore. There’s nothing wrong with getting rid of these things. Kids’ toys aren’t cheap and plenty of parents are searching online and in local consignment shops for used toys that are in good condition. There’s a great market for selling these things to make some extra cash … especially around the holidays.
11. Items in the Garage
Many of us have so much stuff in our garage that we can’t even pull our cars in. There’s boxes and bins of stuff. Piles of old tools. Old bikes. Old outdoor gear. There’s tons and tons of things stored in your garage that you haven’t used in months, or maybe even years. We hold on to so many of these things for “one day”. But today, you’re focused on getting rid of your payday loans, so that “one day” you can live with financial security and freedom. So, go through every item in every corner and get rid of the things you don’t need or use anymore.
12. Coats
Do you really need 4 different winter coats? When your coat closet is packed with coats for every occasion, it may be time to get rid of a few. After all, you only end up wearing the same one every day, anyways. So, grab your old coats, post them on ebay or take them along with you to the consignment shop.
13. Tools
It may be hard to part with that fancy sander, but you haven’t used it in years. It’s time to go through your tool chest and get rid of all of the things you don’t use or need anymore. Craigslist is a great place to post and sell tools and equipment like ladders, rakes, shovels, etc.
14. Hidden Valuables & Antiques
There are items hidden in your house that are worth far more than you could imagine. Think about antiques or pieces you may have inherited from your grandmother. Many children’s collectibles like dolls and baseball cards turn out to be worth much, much more a few decades later. So, all of those things you’ve been storing in your attic could be worth a lot of money. Make sure you do your research before selling something that could be worth a lot more.
15. Gifts
You remember that picture frame you got for some birthday several years ago that’s still in the original packaging? We all receive gifts for holidays or birthdays that we may never use. So, we toss them in the closet or the attic and forget about them. Sell them! Most items are worth far more if they’re in their original packaging. It’s time to put those gifts to good use.
16. Baked Goods
Put your baking skills to good use. Host your own bake sale. Let the neighbors know that you’ll be selling your famous pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving. Or do you have a recipe for something that everyone loves? Banana bread? Biscuits? Chocolate chip cookies? Start selling them to friends and family. Spread the word on Facebook. A little extra cash can go a long way.
17. Your car
Lose the big car payment and buy a cheaper car with cash! You’re trying to get rid of your payday loans. Another huge monthly payment only delays the process. So, get rid of your fancy car payment and opt for a much more inexpensive option.
18. Decor & Picture Frames
Chances are, you don’t use all of the frames and decor that you have anyways. So, grab the ones you’ve been storing in the cabinets and closets that you never use old picture frames, vases, decorative dishes, candle holders, etc. They’re just waiting for a garage sale!
19. A room in your house!
Everyone is doing it! Thanks to Airbnb, you can make extra cash with the extra room in your own house.
Get creative! There’s hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars laying around your house. And if you’re struggling with overwhelming payday loans, contact us today. We’ve helped hundreds of others consolidate their payday loans and escape the payday loan trap, and we can help you.