We work one-on-one with people who are struggling with mounting payday loan debt, unmanageable monthly payments, and aggressive lenders. We guide you through the process of consolidating your loans, get payday lenders out of your bank account, and create a personalized plan that works with your specific income level. There’s lots of payday loan consolidation companies out there. So, why should you choose us? Here’s 11 reasons why…
1. We’ve helped hundreds of others escape the payday loan debt trap!
Our team has years of experience and we’ve helped thousands of people escape the payday loan debt trap! We not only know what we’re doing, but we have experience doing it. And our clients truly enjoy working with us. See for yourself; read what our clients have to say!
2. We help you stop the craziness of multiple monthly payments!
We can combine your multiple monthly payments into one easytopay monthly payment. With multiple monthly payments and varying interest rates, paying off payday loans can be next to impossible! You’re never able to get ahead. When you work with us, we consolidate all of your payments into one easytopay monthly payment. So, you can focus on what matters most … getting out of payday loan debt.
3. We stop the harassing phone calls!
Payday lenders can be aggressive and relentless. When you work with us, one of our first priorities is taking the stress of payday loans off your shoulders. We immediately take over communication with your payday lenders. They’re no longer allowed to contact you directly. So, you can have the peace of mind of knowing you’ll no longer receive dozens of threatening phone calls every day.
4. We get payday lenders out of your bank account.
Once you enter our program, we revoke your lenders authorization to debit your bank accounts. Your payday is once again .. yours. And now you can focus on taking control of your finances to get rid of your payday loans.
5. We reduce your stress!
Our first priority is to take the stress and overwhelm of payday loans off of your shoulders. We get payday lenders out of your bank account. We stop the nonstop phone calls. And we help you create a plan that you not only feel good about, but that works. It’s hard to escape the payday loan trap when you’re overwhelmed and stressed.
6. We know what we’re doing!
Our team knows the payday loan industry better than anyone else. With years of experience with payday loan consolidation and having worked with thousands of clients, our team knows the payday loan industry inside and out. When you work with Real PDL Help, you’ll work with trained professionals who will guide you through the entire payday loan consolidation process.
7. We can reduce your overall interest rate.
We’re typically able to reduce your overall interest rate when your loans are consolidated. This means less money going out of your pocket and the faster you can get rid of your payday loans!
8. We care!
We truly care about the people that we work with. We not only want to help you escape the payday loan trap, but we want to help educate you on the entire process. We pride ourselves on educating our clients about the payday loan industry and guiding them through every step of the process.
9. We create a payment plan that works with your specific level of income.
Not everyone has the same amount of debt nor the same income. So, we work with you, oneonone to create a personalized plan that works for YOU!
10. We educate you and help you understand the entire process.
It’s not just about getting you out of the payday loan debt trap. We also want to ensure you never go back. So, we educate you and guide you every step of the way so that you understand exactly what’s going on!
11. We can help you escape the payday loan debt trap once and for all!
The payday loan trap is easy to fall into alone, but nearly impossible to get out of without help. That’s where we come in. With our support, you’ll be able to focus on what matters getting rid of your payday loans. With our guidance and support, you’ll be able to take back control of your money and your life.
If you’re ready to get rid of your payday loans, contact us today. We’re your go-to payday loan consolidation team, and we’re ready to help!